Dec 17, 2021
A simple terminal app for composing multiple toots at once

  • Paste in a small amount of ASCII text from the clipboard (no scrolling)
  • Edit it at will (insert, arrow keys, backspace)
  • Always show the character count
  • Anywhere the text contains some delimiter, treat it as a chunk boundary, show character count for the previous chunk.

Amazing how difficult this is to get right.

I've built multiple text editors but still can't figure this out. Data structure this time: just a raw string.

I figured out the problem! I didn't have tests in Teliva! Now I do.

It turns out my brain only works when embedded in an exo-brain of tests.

Screenshot of teliva showing a single function being edited along with some tests for it.


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Dec 15, 2021
Advent day 15, part 2

Throwing in the towel. My solution works for the test input.

I get this message for the answer: "Curiously, it's the right answer for someone else; you might be logged in to the wrong account or just unlucky. In any case, you need to be using your puzzle input."


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Dec 13, 2021
I'm so stuck on Advent day 14, star 2

No hints just yet, please.

Let's see if this is going to work..

I'm getting some neat visualizations, at least. But I think they're just showing me how screwed I am.

Oh, just needed to print less often. It's going faster now. But still exponential..


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Dec 10, 2021
Random page in the Lua book introduces me to a whole new CS algorithm I'd never seen before 🤯


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Dec 8, 2021
Finally a day when solving Advent didn't result in me having to add any helpers to Teliva's "standard library".


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Dec 8, 2021
For all my years of writing higher-order functions in Lisp, put me in a timed situation and I instantly go back to writing raw loops.


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Dec 2, 2021
Day 3 of #adventofcode is a bust. I found a fatal issue in Teliva: if running the app ever shows an error, I get thrown back to the editor. So I can't see any prints. So my usual strategy of debug by print doesn't work.

So I need to rethink how Teliva displays run-time errors. Now I hazily remember Turbo Pascal having a "press any key to continue" prompt on run-time error.

I did finish after all. An hour into the day, after doing other stuff (going over review jam feedback with Teliva, creating a list of bugs), it occurred to me to get "press any key" by adding just one line of code to Teliva and recompiling. That got me debugging again.

But this video is going to be useless. Across two sessions, I have an hour of me umming and aahing, muttering and swearing.


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Nov 30, 2021
A whimsical landing page for announcing my tour of Mu

Many thanks again to for play-testing it and making it 10x more hospitable a road to travel.


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Nov 30, 2021
Dress rehearsal for Advent of Code using Teliva

Watch me (slowly and laboriously) work through a problem from last year with Teliva (video; 15 minutes)


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Nov 29, 2021
Making sense of my recent interests

I've been introspecting for most of 2021 on where I wanted to go with Mu. I'd never had any expectation that it would ever be mainstream popular, but I had hoped to coalesce a small community around it, of the scale of say suckless. In 2021, after 5 years of prototypes I found myself asking myself the hard question: why are so few people making the leap from reading about it and starring/liking/boosting/upvoting it to actually trying it out and playing with it? Which led me to the question of, what should attract them to build things atop Mu? The tough answer to face up to was: nothing. Mu today can't really do much. In particular, not having network drivers is a killing limitation. All you can build with it are toys, and I didn't set out to build toys.

Though I do have an older variant of Mu that runs on a Linux kernel. That should in principle provide easy network access. I always felt ambivalent about relying on the kernel, though. What's the point of being so draconian about avoiding C in Mu and building everything from scratch, if my stack includes C from the kernel? And then I learned about how the firmware sausage was made. I'd built Mu to advocate against the constant push to build languages atop other languages, but I started to realize that complexity grows not just upward but also downward. I'd built Mu with some idea of minimizing total complexity of a computing stack, but along the way I started to realize that reality has inextricable complexity that's independent of what we're trying to use it for. The goal shifted from minimizing total complexity to "finding a narrow waist of reality," something that provides a consistent experience above it while relying on very little below it. In this new framing it stopped to matter how deep things extended below. Because really, we're always going to depend on a deep stack going all the way down to electrons and quarks.

Ok, so networking is hard to recreate and some C is ok but not too much. I started casting about for a minimal stack that's built directly in C (because minimizing layers of abstraction is still just good engineering). Lua fits the bill quite nicely. Linux kernel + libc + 12kLoC for Lua is arguably as minimal an implementation of networking as I'm going to get. And Lua packs an impressive amount of technical depth in 12kLoC to make its programs go fast. Graphics is still too much, though. The Lua eco-system already has for anyone wanting to do graphics. I have nothing to offer there. But I hope to make progress on the original goal of Mu, before all the feature creep:

  • Apps are easy for anyone to run. The infrastructure they need is easy to build.
  • Apps are easy for anyone to run.
  • Once you start getting used to running an app, it's easy to poke inside the hood. Small changes can be made in an afternoon.
  • When modifying an app, it's difficult to end up in irrecoverable situations or bugs that are too hard to track down. (That's really what all of Mu's memory safety was aiming for.)

So I'm going to spend the next 5 years wondering why nobody's trying this out :D It's quite possible that text mode is just a bridge too far for everyone else. We'll see.

(original conversation with Andrew Owen)


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