Nov 26, 2021
A guided tour of Mu on x86 computers

Oh, is it Advent time already?! I've been remiss. If you're looking for something slightly different (easier, more collaborative) this year, I have this guided tour of Mu in 16 gradually-escalating tasks for your consideration.

Many thanks to for play-testing all the tasks and making many suggestions for improving it. Send compliments their way, blame me if you find anything off.


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Nov 22, 2021
Teliva now has network access. Including https. And support for streaming APIs. All of luasocket and luasec libraries are supported.

(Obviously none of this is original development. I'm just putting together libraries created by my betters.)

Try it out:

git clone
cd teliva
make linux
src/teliva chesstv.tlv

Known issues:

  • Code browser is broken for this app. It's likely the callback.
  • Reading from network blocks keypresses.

Main project page:


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Nov 20, 2021
I've been doing a lot of "differential debugging" on the Lua codebase lately. There's something going off the rails in a part of Teliva that I don't understand yet. I try to make my change in a temporary copy of the unmodified Lua sources and step through to see, what is the control flow supposed to look like? Then I compare with what's happening in Teliva. Where does it go off the rails? Super useful to have working software that is so easy to compile.
I've been programming in C++ for a long time, and just ran into a very surprising situation in C.

$ cat x.c
inline int foo(void) {
  return 42;

int main(void) {
  return foo();

$ gcc -c x.c
$ gcc x.o
undefined reference to 'foo'

$ gcc -O1 -c x.c
$ gcc x.o
# no error

If you compile without optimizations, the `inline` keyword does nothing -- but the function is still excluded from the object file.


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Nov 15, 2021
Just discovered luapower via a random comment on reddit. Whoa.


One of the hidden gems in luapower is this little bash script called multigit. It.. oh heck, I'll just let you read about it and have your mind blown:

Relevant excerpt:


This may be a hard sell but I stand by it. [Sub-]directories are evil. Not so much because of semantics, but because of the tools we use suck at working with them. No global overview; instead you have to navigate them."


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Nov 14, 2021
App runtimes should support modifying apps.

Here's a 2-minute video on how that might look.


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Nov 11, 2021
Minor epiphany about Lua

a = {11, 12, 13, key=14, 15}


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Nov 6, 2021
You knew this was coming. Conway's Game of Life in text mode using Unicode Braille glyphs.

git clone
cd teliva
make linux
src/teliva life.teliva



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Nov 6, 2021
New project

"An extremely naïve, brutalist attempt at packaging up simple Lua (5.1) apps with all the stuff needed to edit and build them."

Fun with the kids on a Saturday morning messing around with daddy's new program.

We gave each ring its own color, and we have it set up to move the towers randomly around after every move. Supremely silly.

Screenshot of Teliva running a towers of Hanoi program.


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Oct 8, 2021
Marceau, Fisler and Krishnamurthi, "On novices' interactions with error messages"

A rare empirical study that I found extremely useful.

Outside of a univ course, my lessons are slightly different from the paper's:

  • Maintain a map of error messages for a project, use this to minimize the vocabulary of error messages.
  • Be enigmatic rather than risk misleading.
  • Make affordances beyond error messages optional. Color-coding has a cost. Not highlighting may be better.


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Sep 27, 2021
I'm tempted to blindly implement in Mu without questioning any of its design choices.


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