The more challenging puzzles often cause me to rewire my sense of gravity halfway through.
Tap on an empty tile to move the player there -- if possible! -- without disturbing any crates.
Tap on a crate and then an empty tile to move the crate there -- again, if possible! -- without disturbing any _other_ crates.
All integrated with the infinite undo.
Now I can spend less time juggling arrow buttons on a touchscreen and more time thinking about the puzzle itself: which crate to move next, and where to put it.
A little thing like an 'edit' button introduces cascading issues:
- LÖVE (in combination with mobile restrictions) won't let me modify code files in place. I have to overlay my changes in a new location.
- But now I can't pick up any upgrades to my app. Upgrades modify code files in place, but any overlay persists (otherwise you'd completely lose your changes after upgrading).
- But hey I have a programmable editor here! I'll just create a new file called 'scratch' with a one-liner to blow away the overlay. (With my app user's hat on, I know in this case my changes are minor in a way that I don't with my app developer's hat on.)
- (A few hours later.) Wait, now none of my changes are having any effect. And they're completely blown away when I go back to the code.
- :face_palm: Oh it's that 'scratch' file still hanging around. So it needs to be a 2-liner. I have to make any changes I want to the file system -- and then delete 'scratch' to make this a one-time operation.
- I could try to create a screen of helpers for this, along with a comment that says, "insert file system operations here" after which is a delete of 'scratch'.
In this way I find myself playing meta-Sokoban.. :eyeroll:
Tl;dr - the 'edit' button isn't really usable yet.
I really don't want to go down the road of building a compare and merge flow :eyeroll:
Still no scoring or really persistence of any kind. Just one step of undo (easy to extend if needed).
Credit again to lcamtuf for the sprites and for curating classic puzzles from the past.
Somehow I didn't run into it the last 5 times it could have happened.
Like Tiddlywiki, but just view source on this beauty: cristobal.space/note
Thanks Gordon Brander.
I think I would never have gotten around to publishing this one if I'd known how much work proof-reading it was going to be.
To reflect at leisure, build when opportunity arises, and hear the appreciation of your peers.