- https://futureofcoding.org/episodes/056 and https://dougengelbart.org/content/view/138
- https://cristobal.space/writing/folk
- https://twitter.com/davidshor/status/1511028728381734912
- https://maggieappleton.com/block-data and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHblHPLoKKE
- https://twitter.com/jackrusher/status/1533772528023478272 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford_algebra
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCnnJXMi8KE and https://www.zachtronics.com/exapunks (regretfully not trying at the moment)
And no, it's not random or trolling.
"Follow for surreal gamedev. I'm making a Lovecraftian text editor called Tentacle Typer."
It's amazing how short the core of Newton's law of gravity is:
theta = angle(sun.x,sun.y, sat.x, sat.y)
dist = distance(sun.x,sun.y, sat.x,sat.y)
accelx = K*cos(theta)/dist/dist
accely = K*sin(theta)/dist/dist
velx = velx + dt*accelx
vely = vely + dt*accely
posx = posx + velx
posy = posy + vely
Now I don't need variables to record where the buttons are, and code for button events lives near code for drawing the button.
Here's a little program to do compass-and-straightedge geometrical construction on a computer.
I guess I'm wondering if every Mastodon server also has some non-ActivityPub API.
Systems are made of parts.
If you have too many parts, the odds of one of them failing go up.
If you have too few parts, any single part failing has a larger impact.
Arrange the parts in multiple phases over time. Like bulkheads, failures get isolated to a single phase.
Within a phase, use few parts to improve your odds.
Example: use git to generate your site, but host it on Netlify. Now you can build without Netlify and serve traffic without Github.
I wanted to give the kids a Paint program, so I did a quick Google in my current favorite framework and found https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=87469. Ran great and was loads of fun, but looked a bit.. off. Some of the colors were missing, and clicking on the black rectangles sometimes abruptly changed the color. Turns out:
“In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1.”
— https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setColor
I'd always felt bad that my Linux-only programs excluded Windows users. But I didn't realize they were excluding me as well. In this way I come back face to face with the oneness of all things.