git clone cd teliva make src/teliva anagrams.tlv
git clone cd teliva make src/teliva anagrams.tlv
Small change in text:
But a big step in a huge trajectory of maturing thinking.
2010: Dependencies are moving parts, introduce unreliability.
2015: Well, we have to depend on something. Ok, hardware only.
2021: Firmware, management engines, shit, I'll come again. Depend on a narrow waist. Posix, C, Lua.
2022: There's even more I can't do alone. Sqlite, Redis, etc. Reputation is a useful signal. (4 minutes)
Showing off:
Main project page:
Open invitation: I'd be happy to tailor a private copy for your individual needs.
In this clip:
My talk at FOSDEM this morning:
Apologies for the low volume of the recording :/ This copy seems slightly louder to me than the version on the official page. However the official page includes (high-quality and audible) Q&A at the end.
Main project page:
Many thanks to all the organizers of FOSDEM '22!
"Third, FOSS has become a religion for many. All things must be FOSS because it’s a holy conquest, and if just everything were FOSS all would be perfection because reasons."
If FOSS were actually a religion, the holy conquest you describe would be the most adorable and least bloody holy conquest in the history civilization.
If FOSS were actually a religion, then what is stopping you from joining the least bloody and most adorable religion in the history of civilization?
Join us.
(Patches accepted.) is a neat program <3 and its demo at is inspiring me.. to build my own version 🤦
I think people have lost sight of the essence of Zettelkasten.
The tension: links tend to require names.
Any interest in collaborating on or use-testing something malleable but text-only in Teliva?
I just tracked down my umpteenth memory corruption bug in Teliva:
I'm pretty sure this was the one that got me to lose data on several days of Advent of Code 2021.
The number of such bugs found in this tiny codebase ( is not comprehensive) is a huge case against C. I'm not out of practice, I'm just only able to manage memory reliably in C++, for all that I dislike it.
There's Q&A and IM chat after.
I hope you will add it to your calendar! (The times given are in UTC+1. It's 8:40am in PST.)